Differentiated only by a simple punctuation, the words Impossible and I’m possible represent two extreme ends of the spectrum. One depicts a closed door of barriers and limitations, the other an open window to explore new frontiers.
Tiring and debilitating, self-doubt sees nothing but impenetrable road blocks. Planting seeds of uncertainty with whispers, of “You can’t. You’ve never done it before. You Don’t know how. Don’t even think about it. What if you fail ? What will others say ? Status Quo is Safe!”
We need to realise that that inner critic doesn’t necessarily reflect the reality of who we are and what we are really capable of, as It tends to magnify failures and exaggerate shortcomings to undermine our self-confidence. Surrendering to all that negativity, and letting it define us, is giving it more credit that it deserves.
The journey of life has always been about navigating unchartered terrain and that experience, is but itself a collection of first times, that we have learnt to build on. We need to trust that ability we all have to figure things out as we go, and our innate capacity to handle new experiences and challenges. We’ve done it many times, and we can and will do it again.
So acknowledge what you don’t know, accept the discomfort that comes with it and then start that process of making the unfamiliar, familiar. Each action of enquiry – be it a phone call, an email, a search online, a conversation or signing up for a course – builds the momentum of getting you closer to where you want to be.
With a good sense of humour and a high tolerance for pain, and maybe also a selective memory, I’ve learnt that in life, not knowing is not really a good excuse for not doing and that I will continue to be taking deep sharp breaths with each new first that I encounter.
And the difference between impossible and I’m possible ? A matter of perspective.