The frequency of your sessions will depend on your needs and the pace that you are most comfortable with. Our first conversation together - a no obligation and complimentary 30 minutes session - will be about getting to know each other, discussing what is on your mind and gauging the comfort levels of us being travel companions on this journey of discovery and transformational change.

The coaching conversations that follow will focus on each of your life priorities, the concerns to be addressed, issues to be resolved, the different goals that you want to reach and the steps needed to reach them. Each a step in the journey of self-discovery, awareness and accountability.


Sessions run between one to two hours according to the coaching programme selected.  These  are scheduled in advance on a weekly or fortnightly basis. 

Programmes  include:

  • Access to self-growth resources and techniques
  • Ongoing coaching progress assessment
  • Development of action plans required to reach short and long term goals
  •  Setting of  goals to be reached by the next session 
  • Accountability check-ins 
  • Priority Scheduling

There is a choice of coaching  rates and packages designed to meet the specific needs of our clients.

Attaining sustainable and effective change requires  continuity and  accountability,   I would generally suggest that clients  commit to  at least  6 sessions to  fully experience and understand the coaching process. 

Special corporate rates  are also available under the executive coaching programme.

Please  feel free to contact me for more information or book in for the exploratory 30 minute session.

I look forward to meeting you on our first coaching conversation together.6


You draw the map and I will
bring the compass

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