Embrace The Next Chapter:
Retire With Confidence

Create Your Roadmap for a Fulfilling Retirement

Getting ready for retirement is about much more than just finances. There are also emotional, psychological and lifestyle considerations that we need to take account of. It’s about being prepared for the changes ahead and figuring out how to navigate a way of life so different from our usual daily working routine.

Retirement can make us question who we are without the power, influence, purpose and recognition, as well as the camaraderie of work-related engagements. Retirement coaching can help you overcome these worries, recognise negative mindsets that might hold you back, and start thinking about what a fulfilling retirement looks like.

Retirement is really about the journey ahead and not the one we are leaving behind. After all the years of working so hard, we’ve finally earned ourselves the luxury of time, as well as the freedom of choice, to design the next chapter of our lives.

I’m here to support you confidently create the fulfilling post-career life you really want and truly deserve.

Retirement Coaching Is For You If You Are....

Need Support?

Retirement is a chance to reshape your life into something exciting and new. Retirement coaching can help you see all the possibilities of this change. 

Get in touch, and let’s discuss how to make your retirement the best part of your life.

  • Worried about feeling irrelevant or unvalued once you stop working.

  • Concerned about losing your sense of identity and self-worth.

  • Unsure of how you will fill your time without the structure of a daily work routine

  • Scared of being bored or anxious about a life without purpose.

  • Self-conscious about how others may regard you and feel the constant need to justify your existence.

  • Stuck or unsure about where to start with planning your retirement or what the future holds.

Who Can Benefit from Retirement Coaching


Anyone looking ahead to retirement can really benefit from one-to-one coaching. It’s all about getting personalized help to navigate the big changes, set clear goals and make smart choices about how you want your retirement to look. This type of coaching helps you find a new purpose and fulfilment in life beyond your work.

You’ll learn how to set meaningful outcomes to work towards, create a new daily routine, overcome any challenges or limiting beliefs to adapt and evolve into this next stage of life. It’s all about making your retirement fulfilling and enjoyable.


Retirement can really change things for couples. It reshapes how you interact and spend your time together. There might be big changes like adjusting to spending a lot more time together than before, navigating different social circles, managing changes in financial flexibility or getting accustomed to new living arrangements.

My coaching helps couples navigate these shifts in roles and routines, making lifestyle adjustments easier. We’ll work on managing expectations and addressing concerns through open communication, which are crucial for planning a retirement that both of you will enjoy.

It’s all about making sure you both understand each other’s thoughts and feelings, as you work towards a retirement that fulfils both of you.


Retirement coaching is a great way for companies to show they care about their employees while working and as they move into retirement.

This kind of support shows employees they are valued for their contributions to the company and appreciated throughout their career and beyond. It’s a smart HR investment, too. Helping employees deal with pre-retirement anxiety can keep them motivated and productive as they approach retirement age. Helping them prepare for life after work means they can stay positive and focused, ensuring a smoother transition when it is time to hand over their responsibilities, benefitting the company as a whole.

Retirement coaching is crucial during challenging times like layoffs or early retirements, providing compassionate support for employee’s well-being as they navigate these uncertain times.

Retirement Readiness Beyond Finances

Retirement planning is about how we adapt to a massive change in our lives. When we retire, we don’t just leave our jobs behind; we enter a new phase that can affect us in many ways we might not expect. Let’s talk about what some of these changes involve.

Challenges of Transition

One of the first things many face is figuring out who they are without their job. Our work can be a big part of our identity; leaving it behind can feel like losing a piece of ourselves.

Then there’s the challenge of not seeing co-workers every day, which can lead to feeling isolated or lonely. And let’s not forget about finding a new daily routine that doesn’t revolve around work. Feelings of insecurity without the power and authority that we had when we were working. Adjusting to all this can be challenging.

Emotional Landscape

Retirement can stir up many different feelings. On one hand, there’s the thrill of finally having the time to do things you’ve always wanted to. On the other hand, you might also feel worried or scared about what’s ahead. It’s a mix of highs and lows. Feeling all these emotions as you start this new chapter is normal.

Retirement as a Journey

Retirement isn’t just an end to something; it’s the beginning of something new. It’s a chance to discover more about yourself, explore new interests, and grow in ways you didn’t think possible. Think of it as an adventure that’s just getting started. Retirement is not just about stopping work; it’s about moving forward into new experiences and opportunities for personal growth.

How My Retirement Coaching Can Help You

Retirement coaching is like having a guide for the next big adventure of your life. Here’s what it does for you:

Navigating Change

Coaching can help boost your confidence by helping you tackle the changes that come with retirement head-on. Together, we’ll set important goals and find a clear path to your retirement. We’ll also work on finding what makes life meaningful beyond your career.

It’s about discovering a purpose that keeps you engaged and feeling fulfilled. We’ll address any fears, anxieties, and self-doubts that might hold you back and help you rise above them.

Staying active and involved in new activities can give you a real sense of accomplishment and achievement as you move into this new phase of your life.

Adapting and Growing

Retirement is your chance to bring together all the lessons and experiences from your working years and channel them into a fresh chapter in your life. Celebrating the freedom of time and choice, you can explore new interests and create a life that keeps you excited every day. I’m here to help you grow and find joy and purpose in new experiences.

Together, we’ll cultivate a positive outlook that embraces new possibilities and opens up opportunities for personal development. It’s about using what you’ve learned over the years to make your retirement a time to relax, recharge, thrive and continue growing.

Social Connections and Well-being

Staying connected and happy is crucial as you move into retirement. We’ll work together to develop strategies that help you foster meaningful connections and fill the social gaps left by the absence of regular interactions with work colleagues. We’ll also tackle any personal barriers you might have to starting new social interactions. Together, we’ll help you establish vibrant and meaningful social connections that enrich your social life and bolster your overall well-being.

Action Plans

A Coach Doesn’t Just Help You Dream; They Help You Do.

I’ll work with you using tangible tools, thoughtful discussions, and reflective exploration to create a realistic roadmap for your retirement. Together, we’ll create a practical plan that turns your aspirations into achievable goals.

Why Me?

  • International Coaching Federation Credentialed (PCC)
  • Accredited by the Retirement Coaches Association
  • Experienced in corporate and personal development coaching
  • Strong corporate background experience
  • Having gone through retirement myself, I get the challenges and opportunities it brings professionals. It’s not just about having enough money; it’s about making your life rich in other ways.

I believe in taking a holistic look at your life — your thoughts, feelings, relationships and aspirations for the future.

I use tools like Neuro-Linguistic Programming, which is about how we talk to ourselves and others, Positive Psychology, which shows us how to look at life with optimism, and Mindfulness, which enables us to value and appreciate life in the present moment. 

I too have had my  fair share  of sadness, disappointment self-doubt and disillusionment. Amongst the many  stripes that I’ve earned over the years, are also a collection of scars that have taught me that What Breaks You also Makes You and that is isn’t always about how well you do in the moment, but what you are prepared to bring to and from the overall experience. 

Jennifer Dunbar (PCC)

International Coaching Federation and Retirement Coaches Association accredited Coach. Mentor, Workshop Facilitator and Speaker.

You draw the map and I will
bring the compass

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